Judge issues sentence for grandpa who impregnated 11-year-old grandchild!

No one will love you nor think you are perfect as much as your grandparents do. And let’s be real, no one will ever cook as well as your grandparents, forgive you as quickly if they even believe you have a single flaw, to begin with, nor be as thrilled to hang out with you as your grandma and grandpa. Unfortunately, when grandad abuses their close relationship to a child, as one 55-year-old man did, it can be one of the most ‘stunning crimes’ imaginable.

The 55-year-old grandfather, Pruet, was arrested after his 11 year old granddaughter became pregnant with his child. She gave birth to the incestuous baby in August. Pruet went through the legal system and was found guilty of these extreme crimes. He has since been sentenced to spend the next 200 years in prison for both impregnating his 11-year-old granddaughter and se-ually molesting her younger sister. Pruett was sentenced to one hundred years for each charge of in-est. “The only real question is how much should be suspended, “County Attorney Bill said. “In my view, over the course of his life, he has set no boundaries when it comes to committing se-ual offenses. Everything about the defendant’s life and conduct has earned him a 100-year sentence.” Pruet was not only the victims’ grandfather, but he was also their legal guardian. He abused that close proximity to assault them and get his 11-year-old granddaughter pregnant se-ually. He will remain in prison until he is 105-years-old when he is first eligible for parole.

The judge was familiar with Pruet. He recalled seeing the man in the system because he had a long history of predatory se-ual misconduct with extremely young females. Not only did the county know this about Pruet, but he was also a free man who was granted guardianship over two little girls. The judge admitted that Pruet seems to lack any kind of semblance of a conscience and readily molested the girls whenever he could. District Judge Jeffrey recognized that Pruet would be a menace to young female children if he was ever released from prison. This also indicated that the judge had little hope that Pruet would ever fix his ways because he has an incurable attraction toward young children. Evidence was clear to Judge Jeffrey that Pruet had a history of se-ual misconduct toward little children and those in his family. The truth of Pruet’s horrible behavior began to unravel when his granddaughter went to the doctor and was discovered to be 32-weeks pregnant. Pruet was molesting her and her 9-year-old sister while he was their legal guardian.

Shortly after the girl’s pregnancy was discovered, she was taken to Val, the director of children’s advocacy facility Emma’s House for an interview. It was Val’s intention to get to the bottom of what happened and who did this to her. Pruet brought the girl in for the interview and was in the waiting room while the victim gave Val all the gruesome details about how her grandfather se-ually molested her. However, the girl first told Val a lie to protect her grandfather. She claimed that a boy at the county fair had se* with her. But the fair was from the summer before and could not explain the pregnancy. After the girl gave birth in August, Val visited her, and she told him the truth – that Pruet was the father. Dear readers, we are republishing this story amid recent reports that child se-ual abuse has surged in America during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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