Dad who ravished his 3-year-old daughter ‘tried to worm his way out by saying one of the most ridiculous things on record’!

Prosecutors said that the father, Henry, was reportedly caught performing sex-ual acts on his 3-year-old daughter. During the trial, the father he tried to worm his way out of the crime by saying one of the most ridiculous things on record. The defendant was taken into custody after his 3-year-old daughter gave hints to family members and to then child safety workers that she was being abused. There was an instance where the little girl made a phallic shape out of Play-Doh and said it was the father’s bu-t. Cindy, a child advocacy worker, said that the child mentioned her father putting his bu-t on her bu-t.

During an interview with investigators, Henry denied having performed any se-ual acts on his daughter. But, eventually confessed that he had done so on two occasions; one involved a se* toy and the other involved 0ral se*. But Henry said that they were both mistakes and that both times, he gave the most unusual excuse – he thought the 30-pound child was his wife, an adult woman. The first time he “accidentally” used the se* toy on the child while the second time he claimed the child crawled into bed while his wife had gone to the bathroom.

The sickening case took a dramatic twist when Bennett, who had claimed police pressured him into a false confession, slipped up on the witness stand and repeated his confession in front of the jury. During the trial, the father said that his confession to the police was false. He told the jury that he only said it because the police pressured him into it and said that all the had to do was give the confession if he wanted to go home. In less than 30 minutes since the session began, the jury found Henry guilty on two charges of first-degree se-ual assault, two charges of se-ual abuse by a parent, guardian or custodian and two charges of i-cest.

He was sentenced to a term of 25 to 100 years in prison. Circuit Court Judge Swope denied the motion for a new trial, citing that the young child might be subjected to suffering later in life. The father told police that both incidents were accidents, after the child crawled into the bed while his wife was away in the bathroom. He claimed he mistook the 30-pound girl for his 185-pound wife both times. Dear readers, we are republishing this story amid recent reports that child se-ual abuse has surged in America during the pandemic.

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