Trans inmate who impregnated two female prisoners received ‘unexpected’ news!

According to the statement, the then-27-year-old trans woman, who reportedly impregnated two women at a women’s only prison has received ‘unexpected’ news! Minor has opened up about her mistreatment and reportedly wrote about how prison guards targeted her because of her transgender status. One guard allegedly mocked her when she asked to be searched by a female officer. She also claims that correctional officers attacked her during her transfer from the women’s facility to the men’s facility.

Her name is Minor D. and she was reportedly moved to a men’s prison where she is being held in a vulnerable unit. Minor claims that she was misgendered and beaten by corrections officers during transfer and is now at risk of being attacked by men in the facility for the incarcerated. The trans woman was convicted to thirty years behind bars for stabbing her foster father to death. After getting two women pregnant at the women’s facility, she was moved to another correctional facility. The inmate was allegedly attacked by prison guards during her transfer and attempted to commit suicide. She was placed on suicide watch after attempting to hang herself to death during her transfer to the men’s prison.

Before Minor was moved to GSCF, she was temporarily held at the state prison, where guards called her “a he” at least thirty times. Minor became a headline after news broke that she impregnated two women at the correctional facility. Minor also opened up about being forced to live in a male prison on her blog. She said she was “shipped” to the “male facility” due to the fact that I had hung myself in the van. I was placed on suicide watch. Prior to going to this darkly lit cell, I attempted to ask officers if I could be strip-searched by a female officer, which I felt comfortable doing.

The Lieutenant refused and mocked me as I asked for this. He said if I did not follow his commands to allow two male officers to strip search me, he was going to cut all my clothes off of me and place me in a dry cell. I cried and complied with his commands as the male officer said things to me that I perceived as wrong. I was placed in a dark cell within detention housing as inmates who are on watch are placed in the detention unit and not the infirmary.” Minor was allowed to keep her makeup but believed that if she wore it in the male facility, it would be nothing but “a death wish.”

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