Boyfriend woke up and realized girlfriend is dead, ‘fulfilled his selfish desire before calling 911’!

Police officials said that when the 22-year-old man, Wyler, woke up after an accident and realized his 20-year-old girlfriend, Ciera, was dead – he didn’t called 911 and instead did something that left everyone stunned. Yes, you got that right, what Wyler did before calling 911 would be the last thing anyone in this situation would think of doing. According to the police officials, the 22-year-old man took his girlfriend on a canyon joyride.

Unfortunately, when the 22-year-old driver misjudged a turn on the dirt road, his vehicle rolled off the road and fell about 200 feet into a ravine, ejecting his girlfriend from the vehicle. Wyler blacked out from his injuries and didn’t come to until the following morning around 5 a.m., per reports. As he looked around, he realized what happened. Then, he found his girlfriend on the ground outside the vehicle. Wyler, who had been driving on a suspended license, felt his girlfriend’s body which was cold to the touch, and he realized that she had died.

But, unfortunately, before calling 911, he fulfilled his selfish desier and oppened a couple of beers, which he had in his vehicle. ‘Just 90 minutes later’, he wandered into cell range and called 911. He told the dispatcher that he believed his girlfriend was dead since his efforts to wake her failed. Emergency responders arrived at the scene and confirmed her death. Police recovered an empty beer case and noted there were partially consumed beer bottles strewn about the wreckage, per reports. Wyler was taken to an area hospital and treated for his injuries, where he admitted to police that he had been drinking and caused the accident. He was charged with DUI and negligent homicide for the dangerous manner in which he was driving, despite the fact that his blood-alcohol level at the hospital was 0.000. Since officers couldn’t perform a field sobriety test at the scene, enough time had probably passed before the BAC test was performed for his system to clear any traces of alcohol.

According to the court documents, he was only sentenced to 90 days in jail in lieu of a possible prison sentence for his part in the fatal rollover crash that left his girlfriend dead after Ciera’s own mother pleaded for leniency. Although Wyler was facing a third-degree felony charge of automobile homicide, a plea deal reduced the felony charge to a class A misdemeanor for negligent auto homicide to which Wyler pleaded guilty. Per reports, Ciera’s mother reportedly said: “I really ask you to please not send him to jail,” Christina told the court. “He’s got a lifetime of punishment he’s going to be giving himself.” Dear readers, we are republishing this story in light of recent reports that suggest deadly car crashes spiked a scary amount in the past year.

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