11-year-old girl who was impregnated by her grandfather ‘reveals what he did when she would reject his advances’!

According to the court documents, the then-55-year-old man, Mikeal, r-ped and impregnated his 11-year-old granddaughter. The grandfather was also found guilty of se-ually abusing the girl’s younger sister. He was given a 100 year sentence for each offence. He will be eligible for parole when he is 105. Mikeal has been handed a jail sentence of 200 years. The 55-year-old grandfather was taken into custody after his granddaughter visited a doctor and was found to be pregnant. She initially told authorities that she had become pregnant after meeting a boy at a county fair, but after she gave birth she said the father was her grandfather, who had concocted her prior account.

She said she didn’t know she was pregnant until a doctor diagnosed her at 32 weeks.  “I didn’t know what pregnant felt like. So I didn’t know,” she told child advocates. Investigators said the grandfather, who had a history of predat0ry conduct targeting young women dating back to the early 1980s, m0lested both girls in his care. Speaking to local news outlets, the 11-year-old victim said she had no idea she was pregnant until she went the doctor complaining of stomach cramps. ‘I didn’t know what pregnant felt like, so I didn’t know,’ the unnamed girl said.

During an interview with the head of a children’s advocacy organization, the little girl said when she would reject her grandfather’s se-ual advances, he would ‘lie on the couch and pout.’ ‘He’d wait to see if I could come out and look at him and feel sorry for him, but I wouldn’t,’ she said. To cover up the crime, the 11-year-old said her grandfather concocted a story for her to tell the children’s advocate about a 14-year-old boy who had gotten her pregnant at the county fair the summer before. However, medical staff noted that the term of the pregnancy and girl’s suggested date of conception were out by three months.

The girl later confirmed that her grandfather was the father of her baby. ‘Instead of him doing the wrong thing, he would come in and tell me what to say,’ the girl said. ‘He didn’t want to get caught.’ The girl’s younger sister has revealed that on several occasions, she awakened on her bunk bed and watched through a hole as her grandfather m0lested her big sister, according to the Daily Mail. The also told her biological mother that she witnessed her grandfather come into the girl’s bedroom and assault her sister with his hands and mouth. Dear readers, we are republishing this story amid recent reports that child se-ual abuse has surged in America during the pandemic. Statistics indicate 1 in 9 girls and 1 in 53 boys under the age of 18 experience se-ual abuse or assault from an adult.

Featured Image – Representative | 55-year-old Mikeal

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